Past Questions

SSS3 Mock CRS Exam Past Questions for Effective Revision- WAEC Standard

SSS3 Mock CRS Exams

SSS3 Mock CRS Exam Past Questions for Effective Revision- WAEC Standard. Prepare for your WAEC exams with our comprehensive SSS3 Mock CRS past questions. Practice with WAEC-standard questions to boost your confidence and excel in your CRS exam

Answer all the questions.

  1. God created the world out of (A) heaven B) ocean C) sand D) nothing
  2. The instrument God used in creation was (A) Omniscience B) Omnipotent C) Command D) Breath
  3. In the creation account, the job of giving names to all living creatures was done by A) heavenly beings B) Eve C) Adam  and Eve D) man
  4. The greatest reason why Joseph’s brothers decided to do away with him was because (A) his father made him robes with long sleeves (B) of his pride (C) of the meaning of his dreams (D) he was very handsome
  5. Aaron accompanied Moses to Pharaoh because A) Aaron was a Levite (B) Aaron was bolder than Moses
  6. C) Aaron was appointed by the people D) Moses was deficient in speech
  7. Moses  was keeping the flock of his father-in-law on mount A) Gilboa   B) Horeb C) Nebo D) Camel
  8. The Hebrew midwives refused to kill the Hebrew children because A) the Hebrew women prevented them from doing so B) they feared God C) they were of the same blood with Hebrew women D) they were bribed by Hebrew men
  9. At the time Deborah became a judge in Israel, she was a (A) seer B) prophetess C) priestess D) medium
  10. Joshua and Caleb were from the tribe of (A) Judah and Reuben (B) Reuben and Dan (C) Reuben and Ephraim              (D) Judah and Ephraim
  11. The Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. This statement was made by Deborah to A) Lappidoth B) Jael C) Barak D) Jabin
  12. God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of A) Paran B) Massah C) Zin D) Rephidim
  13. The army of Israel led by Barak defeated the Canaanite troops led by (A) Deborah B) Lappidoth C) Heber        (D) Sisrea
  14. The government system in Israel during the period of Judges was (A) an oligarchy B) a monarch C) a loose tribal confederacy D) a theocracy
  15. Eli’s lack of parental responsibility led to all of the following except the (A) institution of the monarchy in Israel B) collapse of Eli’s priestly linage (C) decisive defeat of Israel by the Philistines (D) death of Hophni and phinehas
  16. The great enemy of Israel who destroyed the sanctuary at Shiloh and captured the ark of covenant was A) Ammon B) Midian C) Philistine D) Edom
  17. When God said to Solomon, ‘Ask what I shall give you, he requested for (A) the art of governance B) the art of worship (C) fame and honour (D) long life and prosperity
  18. God allowed Rehoboam to retain only one tribe in Israel because (A) his father, Solomon, had shared the tribes among his other brothers  B) he had married many foreign wives (C) the northern tribes had successfully revolted against him  D) of David, who had been faithful to the Lord
  19. Which of the following decisions did Solomon take contrary to the will of God ?(A) building a temple for God
  20. B) marrying foreign wives who came with their gods to Israel (C) inviting foreign labour for his building projects
  21. D) making Jeroboam take leadership position
  22. King Josiah was inspired to reform the worship of God in Judah by (A) Hilkiah the priest (B) Shaphan the king’s secretary C) the workers repairing the temple (D) the contents of the book of law
  23.  As punishment, Amos prophesied that women of Samaria would (A) be exiled B) become barren C) be destroyed D) become harlots
  24.  Namaan the commander of the Syrian army had his leprosy cured by (A) Elijah B) Obadiah C) Ezekiel (D) Elisha
  25.  The prophet Hosea teaches that repentance and restoration could be attained through (A) regular praying and fasting (B) steadfast love and knowledge of God C) fasting and witnessing regularly (D) burn offerings and sacrifices
  26.  The fact that Nehemiah was sad when he heard of the deplorable state of Jerusalem implied that he was (A) patriotic (B) prayerful (C) God-fearing (D) very reliable
  27.  Naboth was accused of (A) planning to overthrow the king (B) casing a riot in the city (C) cursing the king and God (D) sleeping with the king’s wife
  28.  Elijah cursed Israel with drought in order to (A) be fed by ravens at brook Cherith (B) protest Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel (C) forced Ahab’s household to worship Yahweh (D) reveal God’s supremacy over Baal
  29. The petition Jeroboam led the Northerners to present to Rehoboam at Shechem was that (A) Jeroboam should be made king over the North (B) the Northerners should not accept Rehoboam as king (C) Rehoboam should reduce his father’s-imposed burden (D) the division of the kingdom should be allowed
  30. Ezra was a scholar in the study of the (A) history of Persia  B) politics in Persia   C) religious law of Hammurabi
  31. D) Law of Moses
  32. When Aaron made the golden calf, he did all the following except (A) erecting an altar for it (B) offering sacrifices to it
  33. C) mounting it on a chariot (D) feasting and dancing before it
  34.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were punished because they (A) committed murder in the society (B) regularly worshipped their own God C) refused to bow to the golden image D) failed to honour the king
  35.  John the Baptist preached the baptism of (A) holiness B) repentance C) conversion D) forgiveness
  36.  For the safety of the infant Jesus, Joseph and Mary had to escape to (A) Cyrene (B) Egypt (C) Syria (D) Ethiopia
  37. Which of the following is not a demand of discipleship? (A) prompt response (B) humility (C) ability to fast always (D) commitment
  38.  At the lake of Gennesaret, Jesus met fishermen who had left their boats to (A) cast their net (B) wash their nets (C) dry their nets (D) mend their nets
  1. How did Jesus address Judas when he kissed him? (A) a friend B) an enemy (C) a traitor (D) a brother
  2. The high priest could not find Jesus guilty during the Jewish trial because the witnesses were (A) partial (B) God-fearing (C) not bribed  (D) not in agreement
  3. The voice that spoke to Saul on his way to Damascus identified himself as (A) God Almighty (B) Jesus (C) the angel of God (D) Elijah
  4.  According to James, those who endure trials are promised (A) earthly inheritance  (B) crown of life  C) wisdom and knowledge (D) a good harvest
  5.  James taught that pure religion is practiced through (A) studying the scripture (B) preaching the gospel (C) being born again (D) caring for the needy
  6.  The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day marked the beginning of the apostles’ (A) evangelism (B) miraculous works (C) intercessory prayer    D) persecutions
  1.  According to Peter, Christian liberty should not be used as a (A) cover up for sin (B) pretext for love (C) way of disrespect (D) way of rejecting duties
  2.  Paul told the Philippians that though Christ Jesus was in the form of God, he did not claim equality with God but was a model of (A) servitude (B) humility (C) glory (D) honesty
  3.  Paul considers that spiritual gifts are the benefits of the (A) individual member of the congregation (B) edification of the Lord (C) corporate life of the body of Christ (D) infrastructure of the church
  4.  According to Paul, the sting of death is (A) life (B) victory (C) poverty (D) sin
  5. The seven deacons were appointed to take charge of (A) preaching the gospel to fellow Gentiles (B) administering relief to the widows (C) dialogue with non-Hebrew Christians (D) collecting offerings for the Church
  6. In the healing of the leper, Jesus’ words shows that he (A) was angry with men’s expression (B) wanted his miracles to be broadcast (C) respected the Jewish law (D) always allowed people to interrupt his work
  7. At the baptism of Jesus, the Spirit descended on Him like a dove and (A) there was heavy rainfall (B) a voice from heaven (C) drove Him into the wilderness (D) a bright light shinned on him
  8. On Good Friday, the Christians commemorate the (A) exaltation of Christ (B) crucifixion of Christ (C) ascension of  Christ (D) resurrection of Christ
  9. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”  This statement was made by the (A) Angels of the Lord (B) disciples of Jesus Christ (C) guards at the tomb (D) Jews who were looking after the tomb
  10. For the redemption of the world, Jesus Christ gave his life as a (A) reward (B) price (C) debt  (D) ransom

SSS3 Mock CRS Exam Past Questions for Effective Revision- WAEC Standard


[60 marks]

Answer four questions in all, choosing one question from each section and the fourth from either section A or B



Answer at least one question from this section

  1. Explain how Saul disobeyed God in the war against Amalek.
  2. State threeconsequences of Saul’s disobedience
  3. Discuss the events surrounding the birth of Moses
  4. Outline any three ways in which Moses’ adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter prepared him for future leadership roles
  5. State how Hosea’s marital experience influenced his knowledge of God
  6. Highlight any threeways in which Hosea’s marriage demonstrated God’s love for humanity
  7. Give an account of the first creation.
  8. State threeways it demonstrated the nature of God



Answer at least one question from this section

  1. a) What demands did Jesus make of the prospective disciplines he encountered?
  2. b) Identify any three attitudes that true disciples of Jesus Christ must exhibit

6 a) Highlight Jesus call of the twelve disciples

  1. b) Identify fourgood qualities of a Christians leader
  2.       a. Narrate the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the gospel of St. Luke.
  3. Identify any three lessons that can be derived from this story



Answer one question from this section

  1.  What did James teach on partiality?  B) Identify two effects of partiality in the society
  2.  a. How did Paul deal with the problem of the Corinthians who did not believe in the resurrection?
  3. State any three significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the Christians

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Deborah David is a multifaceted professional with expertise in blogging, education, nursing, and biochemistry. With a passion for creative writing, she crafts engaging, informative content that resonates with her audience. Her unique blend of scientific knowledge and communication skills makes her a compelling voice in her fields of interest

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