JSS1 Leadership Studies Lesson Notes- Second Term
Leadership Studies Lesson note and plan- Download

JSS1 Leadership Studies Lesson Notes- Second Term. This lesson note covers essential topics in leadership, management, and teamwork.
JSS1 Leadership Studies Lesson Notes- Second Term Scheme of Work
- You and the Law
- Forgiveness
- The Cost of Academic Success
- Skill Acquisition
- Building Up Your Vocabulary.
- Never Give Up
- Achieving Excellence with Available Resources
- A Neighbour Indeed
- Freed Conscience
- The Foresighted Student.
- Revision/Exams
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Topic: You and the Law
Law is a system of rules, which citizens of a country or place must obey. It is based on the constitution of a state and spells out what people should do and what they should not do.
Obedience to the law ensures peace and social coexistence among people of different races, customs and tongues.
It also guarantees civil privileges to law abiding citizens. The law is important to the society because God is involved in civil leadership and usually influences the selection of those in authority.
Therefore being loyal to parents and constituted authority is the will of God (1Peter 2:13; Romans13:1). Christian youth should be models of patriotism and good citizenship.
To be patriotic means that an individual loves his country and is practically committed to promoting peace, harmony and justice.
He does not involve himself in riots and destruction of public property; he will not vandalize public infrastructure or waste social amenities like pipe-borne water, oil pipes or electronic installations.He is not the type that will destroy school property, jump the fence and steal library books.
- Mention three consequences of disobeying the law.
- Identify three reasons why God supports the law of the land.
Weekend Assignment
- Name seven security agents in Nigeria that you know and state their functions.
Topic: Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the act of pardoning, that is, setting free from punishment or cancelling of debts. As we interact together, we are bound to offend one another.
But when offences come, the Word of God enjoins the offended to forgive the offender (Matthew 18:21-35; Luke 7:47). Christ has left us a great example, even on the cross, He forgave His persecutors (Luke 23:34).
When someone offends us, we naturally feel pain. In a loving manner, however, let the offender know what he has done (Luke 17:3).
If he acknowledges it and repents we are to forgive him there and then never hold the offence against him anymore.
- Mention five things your friends or neighbours can do to you and you will forgive them.
Weekend Assignment
- What do the following passages say on forgiveness?
- Genesis 50: 17, 20,21 ………………………………………
- Luke 23:34 ………………………………………………..
- Acts 7:59-60 ………………………………………………..
In case the offender refuses to acknowledge the offence, what should be the next step to take (Matthew 18:15-17)?
Topic: The Cost of Academic Success
The cost of a thing is the price (to be) paid for that thing or the effort needed to obtain that thing. Right from birth there is the inclination to succeed in the heart of every one.
Numerous and tireless efforts are being made towards achieving the goal. Many students think that academic success comes through wishful thinking but having failed once, become frustrated and give up.
Some still seek for academic success in a negative way by getting themselves involved in examination malpractices. The antidote to this weakness is to be strong and courageous depending wholly on God day and night.
Some youths cannot say what they want to become. However some others desire but do not determine to succeed.
Determination is tenacity of purpose. You need to take decision so that you can rise and move on to success. Thomas Edison is an example of one who determined not to be limited by failure.
He was sent out of school at the age of seven because his teacher thought he was too dull to learn anything. Still he rose to become a great scientist.
Abraham Lincoln, we were told, failed many times before he was eventually elected as the President of the United States of America. With discipline and determination you too can succeed.
(i) Mention four obstacles against academic success.
(ii) What is the best way to success (Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 18:9; 20:13; 17:11; 14:23)?
Weekend Assignment
- Who is your role model? Give reasons.
- Why did Joshua and Caleb stand out among the children of Israel? How can one stand out among colleagues today? (Numbers 13 & 14).
Topic: Skill Acquisition
The Bible confirms that: ‘a man’s gift makes room for him, and bringeth him before great men’. This means exaltation of anyone depends on what such a person could do. It is important that youths acquire skills, become proficient in them so that they can use such diligent activities to bring about their promotion in life. No knowledge is wasted; no acquired skill must be seen as useless or beneath one’s dignity. It is advisable to despise no skill but to utilise every opportunity to acquire one, even while going on with formal education. God hates laziness and condemns it. He is also very willing to promote anyone who will diligently practice whatever skill he has acquired in life. David was skilful in the use of the sling and the musical instrument, called the harp. The sling brought him national fame and promotion through the killing of Goliath while playing of harp made him the king’s armour bearer. Gideon was a skilful farmer; Bezaleel and Aholiab were great craftsmen.
- Mention as many skills as you know. Which ones do you like and why?
What was the skill acquired by:
- Elisha
- Paul
- Amos
- David
- Peter
- Luke
- Moses
Weekend Assignment
Write short notes on the followings:
- Carpentry
- Welding
- Fishing
- Farming
- Tailoring
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