JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note-Second Term
JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note and pla

JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note-Second Term. This covers both lesson notes and plan. We have complete notes in PDF.
Week 1 Civic Education Lesson Note- Revision of Previous Term’s Work.
Subject: Civic Education.
Topic: National values.
Instructional Materials: Charts showing the basic human values.
S.O Omotuyole (2010)
Civic Education For Universal Basic Education For JSS1.
Period: 1 and 2. Know
Date: Mon 12th – 16 Sept 2022.
Sub-topic : revision of Last Term’s work.
Duration: 40 minutes.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able toto:
Me dsEvaluate Jss 1 work.
Respond to various questions and activities correctly
Building Background: Students can define National value.
Key Vocabulary words: compromise, commitment.
Content: National values are moral principles and standards which guide human actions.
Strategies and Activities:
Step1: Students, as a class, discuss what the term value means to them.
Step2: Students are divided into small groups, each group represents a value.
Step3: Each of the groups explain the importance of their Values to the society.
Wrap up: The teacher summarizes the lesson, highlighting the main point.
What is Value? What are types of values.
Assignment:List five levels of manifestation of values in the society.
esson Plan for Week 2 YEAR 7
ending: 12th – 16th Sept. 2022.
Subject: Civic Education.
Topic: National values.
Instructional Materials: Charts.
S.O Omotuyole (2010)
Civic Education For Universal Basic Education For JSS1.
Period: 1 and 2.
Date: Mon.12th – 16th Sept 2022.
Sub-topic : Importance of Values and Factors that Promote Value System.
Duration: 40 minutes.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Analyze and discuss the importance of National values.
List the factors that promote
National values system.
Explain how these factors promote National values in the society.
Building Background: Students have basic knowledge of fundamental human rights.
Key Vocabulary word: consistency.
Content: Factors that promote value system are: Consistency, Commitment, Integrity, fair-play etc.
Strategies and Activities:
Step1: Students, as a class, discuss the importance of national values.
Step2: Students, in small groups, highlight th the factors that promote national values.
Step3: Students, in small groups, discuss how these factors promote national values in the society.
Wrap up: The teacher summarizes the lesson, highlighting the main point.
Assessment: List the factors that promote value system.
Assignment: List five factors that promote value.
Civic Education Lesson Note for week Two
Importance of Values and Factors that Promote Value System.
The following are the importance of values in the society:
They control our behaviours in the society which makes us behave well to others in the society.
They help in goal setting as goals are most often influenced by our moral principles.
They promote good relationships in the society thereby fostering peace in the society.
They make us have a positive influence on others.
They help in resisting pressure to conform to values we do not appreciate.
They make us happy and fulfilled.
They determine the means of achieving our goals.
They influence our decisions in life like choice of career, friendship, use of time and money e.t.c.
Factors that Promote Value System.
The factors that promote value system are:
Consistency: The attitude of doing what is right at all times.
Commitment: This is a promise to do something or to face a task with all seriousness.
Integrity: This is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Fairness: The ability to treat everyone equally irrespective of their differences like sex, complexion, language e.t.c.
Trust: This is the attitude of having confidence in someone in doing what is right.
Tolerance: The willingness to accept somebody or something especially opinions or behaviour that you may not agree with i.e to overlook the faults or weakness of others.
Civic Education Lesson Note for Week Three
Topic: Honesty and Dishonesty.
Honesty is the attitude of being truthful, straightforward, always telling the truth and never cheating or stealing.
An honest person is someone who would not change his or her mind no matter the circumstance surrounding him or her. Such a person will always attract Goodwill and trust.
Honesty is very important in people’s dealings with one another in the family and in the society because it promote good relationships.
Read Also: SS3 English Lesson Note- Second Term
Attributes of Honesty.
The attributes of honesty include the following:
Trustworthiness– being sincere or honest.
Fair-play– being fair in our dealings.
Integrity– strong moral principles.
Reliability– being dependable.
Loyalty– being faithful.
Accountability– acknowledging and taking responsibility.
Discipline– trained to obey rules and regulations.
Probity– show of complete honesty.
Transparency– not hiding what one does from other people.
Benefits of Honesty.
Honesty has many benefits. Among these are the following:
It promote good relationships in society
It brings about understanding among individuals.
It discourages deviant and abnormal behaviour in the youth.
There will be a sense of fulfillment, contentment and reliability.
It leads to social justice in the society.
It raises the level of peace, unity and development.
It removes negative peer pressure in youth as it discourages as it discourages deviant and abnormal behaviour.
It builds good name and honour to the person which can also attract favour from general public.
Dishonesty is an act of deceitfulness shown in someone’s character or behaviour.
It is an act or practice of telling a lie, cheating, deceiving, stealing e.t.c. It is a state of lack of honesty.
Dishonesty is a bad habit and should be discouraged as it hinders good relationships in the family and the society at large.
It is manifested in all forms which includes examination malpractice, lying to others, misuse of school or government funds e.t.c.
Attributes of Dishonesty.
Cheating: An act of deception or fraud.
Lying: To give false information intentionally with intent the deceive.
Corruption: The seeking of bribes.
Treacherousness: The act of violating the confidence of another.
Deceptivity: Attempting to deceive.
Perfidiousness: Unfaithfulness.
Knavishness: Mischievous, roughish, rascally or impertinent.
Consequences of Dishonesty.
Punishment: A dishonest person will be punished by the law enforcement agencies.
Cheating: When there is dishonesty in any society, some group of people may cheat on the less privileged groups in the society.
Shame: Shame will be the outcome of any dishonest person when such truths are revealed.
Neglect: A dishonest person will suffer neglect as people will not give such a person any responsible position in the society.
It leads to stealing and other social vices like advanced fee fraud and other fraudulent practices.
It leads to disunity, intolerance, confusion and conflicts among individuals and between communities.
It dents the nation’s image internationally.
Lack of transparency and accountability.
Self-centredness which is not good for national developments as the individual would think more of their individual we
lfare without considering the welfare of others.
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