SSS2 Civic Education Lesson Note- Second Term
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SSS2 Civic Education Lesson Note- Second Term. Get free SSS2 Civic Education lesson notes for second term. Download comprehensive notes and schemes of work for effective teaching and learning.
SSS2 Civic Education Scheme of Work
- Popular Participation
- Formation of Popular Organization
- Human Rights
- Emergency
- Drug Use and Abuse I
- Drug Use and Abuse II
- Effects of Drug Abuse
- Prevention of Drug Abuse
- Activities of Drug Law Enforcement Agencies
Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary School Book 2, Sola Akinyemi.m
Popular participation is the willingness and active involvement of the people in the conduct of the affairs of the state at various levels. Popular participation is important in democracy and it allows for effective operation and stability of the political system.
Factors that can Promote Popular Participation
- Good governance.
- Supremacy of the constitution.
- Respect for human rights.
- Mass education.
- Enlightenment campaign.
- Freedom of press.
- Application of rule of law.
- Free and fair election.
Reasons why people do not participate in politics
- Unfulfilled political promises: People refuse to participate in public affairs due to the failure or inability of the leaders to fulfill their promises.
- Illiteracy: The illiterates in the society see political activities as the birthright of the educated elite. Those who cannot read and write cannot be allowed to contest for any elective position. Therefore, they do not see any need to be actively involved in public affairs.
- Violence During Election: Many people stay from popular participation because of the frequent violence that characterized most elections. They prefer to sit at home to avoid being victims of violence.
- Poverty: Money plays a major role in any political system. The cost of electioneering campaign is high. Many good candidates cannot afford to meet this financial obligation hence they remain at the level of mere voters.
- Cultural/Religious Beliefs: Some religions and culture do not allow women to take active part in public affairs. They see it as the duty of men.
- Fear of Intimidation: Most people believe that the influential in the society could easily use their position to intimidate anybody they perceive as a viable opposition.
- Disability: Those who are physically challenged may not be able to participate actively in politics even when they have the interest.
- Military Intervention: Frequent intervention of military in the administration of the state can create lack of interest in political affairs.
- Election Rigging: People refuse to participate in politics because they believe their vote will not count. Hence, they prefer to stay back and watch from far.
Define popular participation.
State five factors that can hinder popular participation.
1. What are the factors that can promote popular participation?
2. Mention the skills involved in youth empowerment
3. What is employment?
4. Explain the importance of employment in the society
5. List five functions of the executive organ of government
Popular Participation: Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 35-38.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
1. The process by which citizens are involved in the conduct of the affairs of the society is known as A. political campaign B. popular Participation C. political knowledge D popular opinion.
2. One of the keys to a successful democracy is A. popular participation B. military intervention C. presidential promises D. political apathy
3. All are reasons for non-participation in politics except A. religion B. economic factor C. illiteracy D. enlightenment
4. A citizen can contribute to the development of his country through all the following ways exceptA. voting B. demonstrations C. violence D. joining a political party
5. Electorate means A. electoral system B. electoral material C. voter D. franchise
State five advantages of citizens’ participation in political affairs.
Explain three factors that can promote popular participation
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Popular organizations are those organized groups whose membership cuts across different areas of the society with clearly defined objectives. An example is a political party. As an organized group, a political party is an association of people with similar political ideology whose major objective is to contest election and gain political power in order to obtain control of government.
The formation of political party can take the following forms:
- Socio-Cultural Organization: Many political parties started as cultural organizations. The Action Group (AG) started as a cultural association known as Egbe OmonOduduwa while the Northern People’s Congress (NPC) sprang up from a popular Northern cultural association called Jamiyya Mutanem Arewa.
- Religious Organizations: Political parties can be formed based on religious beliefs and doctrines. This is common in countries where a particular religion is predominant. Examples of such associations are Christian Democratic Union in Germany and Muslim League in Pakistan. Countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Israel are nations where political parties are formed based on religious beliefs.
- Government in Power: The government in power may decide to form or create political parties for the country. Former president, General Ibrahim Babangida formed the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and National Republican Convention (NRC) that contested the 1993 elections.
- Labour Organizations: Political parties can transform into a political party that seeks to promote the interest of the organization. Labour Party (LP) in Nigeria and Workers’ Solidarity Party in Indonesia are examples.
- Constitution: The constitution defines the party system in any state. It also determines the requirements for the formation of any party. There are three major types of party system: One-party, Two-party and Multi-party system.
1. Define political party.
2. Mention four ways political parties are formed.
1. They help to promote democratic principles.
2. They ensure accountability of government officials.
3. They promote peaceful change of government.
4. They bring about unity among different groups and interests.
5. They serve as watchdogs on elected representatives.
6. They provide political education to the public.
7. They provide welfare and humanitarian services.
1. Mention four roles of popular organization.
2. How can popular organization ensure accountability in government?
1. What is democracy?
Civic Education Lesson Note for Senior Secondary School
Human rights are the inalienable rights and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of a state as codified in the constitution. Such rights include right to life, right to dignity of human person, right to personal liberty, right to freedom of expression and the press, right to freedom of movement, right to fair hearing, right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, right to vote and be voted for, right to private and family life, etc.
1. Define human right.
2. Mention six examples of human rights
Human rights can be restricted for the overall good of the citizens and the country at large in the following ways:
1. A citizen may be denied some of his rights if he is detained by a court of law.
2. A citizen’s right to life may be denied if he is condemned to death by the law court as a result of murder, armed robbery, etc.
3. Right to life is also restricted by the law which forbids a citizen from killing himself or herself.
4. Right to fair hearing cannot be exercised beyond the highest court which is the Supreme Court in Nigeria.
5. Right to private property may be restricted by the right of the state to compulsorily acquire private property for public use.
6. Declaration of dusk to dawn curfew in periods of emergency or chaos may limit the right of a citizen such as freedom of movement.
7. The police in enforcing law and order can ban public assembly and demonstrations which will deny a citizen his rights to freedom of association and assembly.
8. A citizen suffering from insanity or contagious disease may be deprived his rights to safeguard the rights of others.
9. The court can also restrict the movement of a citizen if he/she has a serious case pending in court.
10. Rights to freedom of expression and the press are restricted by the law that prevents individuals from saying or publishing statement that could damage the personality of others (laws of slander and libel).
11. Some public office holders such as the president, governor, parliamentarians, ambassadors, judges cannot be sued while in office because they enjoy protection of the law called ‘immunity clause’
12. Existence of military rule or an unpopular dictatorial government can lead to restriction of citizens’ rights.
1. What do you understand by ‘immunity clause’?
2. State five reasons for the limitations of human rights.
1. What is constitution?
2. Differentiate between constitution and constitutionalism
3. Explain five factors that can promote rule of law in a state
4. Explain five human rights
5. List four major challenges of democracy in Nigeria
Human Right: Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 41-45